Tuesday, March 21, 2017


I think I have the name and let me tell you, the way I came up with it was pretty funny yet creative. Well not really creative because it's already a name but not a magazine name... make sense? Ok so my creation is.... "Saddle Club". For those of us that live in Weston, we know the street. Well I was thinking that my dad lives in Savanna, which is on Saddle Club rd. and I realized that since my dad is my main source of help for this huge project, I should somehow dedicate it to him. What better way than naming my magazine off of the street of his community? And it just goes perfectly with the genre of my magazine. So as of now, Saddle Club it is, but I might change my mind, because it sounds a little cheesy and like I said on my first post.. I have problems with sticking to my decisions, because I always think I can do better.

So selling line... The second thing that people will read and decide whether they are interested enough to buy the magazine or not.. But yeah no pressure!! I've been thinking and honestly nothing pops up to my head, so hopefully I wake up in the middle of the night with that lit bulb above my head.

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