Friday, March 24, 2017


A light bulb finally lit in my head as I was thinking about a selling line. So it is either between "majestic galloping" or "horse-world insight".  I have been asking so many people and every one is telling me that "majestic galloping" is the way to go. I wanted to do something short and simple to catch the reader's attention. Next week my dad comes back from Colombia so finally we can start the picture taking process. I'm so excited to finally be able to feel like I am starting!!

So I have been thinking about what I want to talk about in my double page spread and I know that I mentioned that I would be speaking about hoof care and the fundamental care for horses, but I think I am going to take a different route considering that my target audience is "horse lovers", I am sure that all "horse lovers" would already know how to take care of the horse's hooves.  I really want to talk about myself and how I started to win competitions but I cant do this project on myself... Although I can't do it about myself, maybe I can use a model and pretend that she is the one that wins all of the competitions. But who can I find in such short notice to take pictures with horses?? All of my friends would probably be terrified of these animals. We shall see what happens but I will make sure to ask around and see if anyone wants to pretend to be me and take some pictures with horses.. I mean who wouldn't want to have a free photoshoot?

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